Researchers have found that increased levels of inflammation is a significant factor in the development of common chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s. This is especially relevant to the relationship to trauma survivors because the human stress response activates inflammation. Studies in psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) indicate that a significant mechanism of trauma’s risk factor for illness is its effects on inflammation in the body.
From: Kendall-Tackett, Ph.D., Inflammation and traumatic stress: A likely mechanism for chronic illness in trauma survivors. Trauma Psychology Newsletter, Div. 56, APA, Spring/Summer, 3(2), pp. 12-14.
Sareen, J., Cox, B.J., Stein, M.B., Afifi, T.O. Fleet, C., & Asmundson, G.J. (2007). Physical and mental comorbidity, disability, and suicidal behavior associated with posttraumatic stress disorder in a large community sample. Psychosomatic Medicine, 69 (3), 242-248.
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